20 Signs You’re On the Right Financial Path

20 Signs You're On the Right Financial Path - Brandy Branstetter, CFP® - KCFAN .png

Setting yourself on the right financial path is rewarding financially and will help to reduce stress from your life.

Here are 20 signs that you’re on the path to financial independence:

  1. You Don’t Lose Sleep Over Money

    When you go to bed at night you’re sleeping great. If anything is keeping you up it’s not your finances. There are clear financial benefits to having your financial life in order but ways it will reduce your stress levels.

  2. You’re Comfortable With Your Budget

    Setting a budget is one of the building blocks on getting yourself on solid financial footing. Using your budget as a monthly guide to your spending will keep you on track. When you’re comfortable with your budget it will make spending easy. You’ll feel great each month knowing you’re spending intelligently and not wasting your hard earned money.

  3. You Don’t Feel Guilty When You Splurge on Special Occasions

    Everyone has splurged on items in life. Maybe you bought a little nicer car than you could afford or spent more on a dress for a special occasion. These things happen, but if you have a birthday, anniversary or other special occasions you can spend more than normal to celebrate! You should build some wiggle room in your budget so these don’t become budget busters.

  4. You Can Actually Afford to Buy Things You Want

    Sticking to your budget is important but giving yourself flexibility to buy those occasional items you really want is a great feeling. Allowing yourself to buy a new iPhone or some great running shoes is far more rewarding than going broke on impulse spending.

  5. You’re Able to Support Your Favorite Charities

    Everyone has their favorite non-profits they love to support. You’re able to give to these great organizations and know it will not adversely impact your finances. You’re able to support them and feel great about doing it.

  6. Your Net Worth Grows Year After Year

    By spending less than you earn each year you’re building a financial snowball. Once you push it down from the top of the hill it gets bigger and bigger each year. There will be bumps in the road when financial markets pull back but you won’t be deterred. You’ll be able to continue to save and invest for your future. Growing your net worth is a combination of reducing debt while increasing the value of your assets along the way.

  7. You’re Prepared for a Financial Emergency

    Being prepared for a financial emergency is another cornerstone of a stable financial plan. When an unexpected event happens like someone in your family falls ill, you have a surprise house repair or any other unplanned event occurs the last thing you want to be concerned about is your finances. You have your rainy day fund and can focus on the issues at hand and not worry about money.

  8. You Don’t Need Your Job

    You have also set up your rainy day fund so that if you lost your job you have financial flexibility. The stress of losing your job is bad enough, but if you are living pay check to pay check then it only makes a bad situation worse.

    A rainy day fund will allow you to be patient in a job search and not have to take the first job offered just to pay your bills. Your rainy day fund should have three to six months of expenses in it.

    A wise colleague told me early in my career “Never work because you need your job.” Now most of us can’t up and quit our jobs tomorrow. If you set your budget up and live within your means, work is far more enjoyable. Going to work every day just to pay for your excess lifestyle will bring a ton of unnecessary stress to your life.

  9. You’re in Control of Your Money

    You feel in control of your money and don’t let your finances control you. Your financial situation may not be perfect but you have a plan to save and aren’t letting debt dominate your spending. See #1!

  10. You Have a Clear Understanding of Your Financial Goals

    You know the three or four major financial goals you want to achieve and how you’ll get there. Whether you have worked with a financial planner or have created a plan on your own, you know what your goals are, and what you need to do to reach your goals.

  11. You Use Credit Cards For Your Own Benefit

    Credit cards can be the gateway drug for poor personal financial decisions. You are fiscally responsible so you pay your cards off each month and get to use the rewards the cards offer for your benefit. Whether it is cash back, airline miles or gift cards you can make money off your disciplined use of credit cards.

  12. You’re Contributing More to Your 401(k) Than Just the Match

    Your company offers a matching contribution to your 401(k) of 3% or 4%. You’ve done the math and realize that your contribution and their contribution is not going to be enough to meet your retirement goals. You’re contributing more than the match and are working to max out your 401(k).

  13. You Understand the Benefits of Paying Yourself First

    One of the most valuable lessons a parent can teach their children is to pay themselves first. When you commit to putting money into your retirement accounts, savings and other accounts before you spend a penny it will set you up for financial success.

  14. Your Mortgage Does Not Dominate Your Budget

    Your mortgage is likely your biggest monthly expense. If your mortgage dominates your budget it has a cascade effect through your financial life. Your housing spend is less than 25% of what your net income each month.

  15. You’re Confident About Your Financial Plan

    Your financial plan is set up and you are contributing to your various accounts and monitoring the investments. You are confident that having a road map is going to help you achieve your financial goals. If your priorities change, you know that you have a flexible and fluid plan that can handle those new goals.

  16. You’re Comfortable Talking About Your Finances

    Many people have a fear about discussing their finances. They feel embarrassed because they have a ton of debt or have not saved enough. They’ll put off meeting with a financial planner, because they’re not comfortable taking about money. This can create a domino effect.

    Those who have their financial house in order are comfortable talking about money and finances and don’t fear meeting to discuss what is best for them financially.

  17. Your Debt is Under Control

    Being debt free is an awesome financial goal to have. If you’re on the path to financial independence but still have some debt (like a mortgage or student loans) then knowing your debt is under control will give you peace of mind. Not having to a make monthly payments for a car, student loan or for credit cards will allow you to have so much more financial flexibility.

  18. You Feel Comfortable About Paying for College

    College is creeping closer every day for your kids! You know that college costs are growing at an insane rate but you have a plan. You’re contributing to a 529 plan, plan to tweak your family budget so you’ll be able to use more of your income and helping your children earn scholarships.

  19. You Have the Correct Insurance in Place

    You know your homeowner’s, auto and life insurance provides you with the appropriate level of coverage for your financial situation. You’re not wasting money with unnecessary insurance producers and conversely being stingy with your coverage and leaving yourself financially vulnerable.

  20. You Have Your Estate Plan Updated

    You have met with an estate planning attorney and have completed a will or trust along with the other necessary powers of attorney and healthcare documents you need. Also you have told the appropriate family member(s), or friend(s), where to find these documents in the event you ever need them.

If you went through this list and checked 16 of 20 items then you’re a superstar and on the way to financial success. If you found yourself saying hey I need to be in a better position, reach out to one of our financial planners today!

Brandy Branstetter, CFP®

Brandy Branstetter is a co-founder of Beyond Wealth, based in Overland Park, KS. Beyond Wealth offers a collaborative and personalized approach to financial planning for clients who face complex financial situations and have little time to manage it. Brandy helps her clients create confidence in their finances by teaching them how to use their money as a tool to create a life they love.


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